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My support tools

In a world where inner balance and outer harmony are essential for our well-being, it is essential to reconnect with positive energies and find methods to restore this balance. It is in this approach that I invite you to discover the tools I use: Kahilia Huna and Kahili Kupono (Ho'oponopono), Feng Shui, Bioenergy.

These practices, although distinct, complement and reinforce each other. They are powerful tools for those seeking to improve their quality of life, soothe their mind and harmonize their environment.

I invite you to explore these different approaches to free your energetic potential and create a space of serenity and vitality.

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Cecilia Kalapa'au

00 33 609 316 485

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"A'ohe pau ka 'ike i ka halau ho'okahi"
Tout le savoir n'est pas enseigné dans une seule école
Proverbe hawaïen

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