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Mālie means “calm”.
This treatment is a journey into your depths following a specific request

This treatment proposes to focus on a particular request and will only use the power of visualization. The duration also varies according to your involvement, count on a good hour.

Here too I will lead you through a visualization where you will be able to explore your inner garden, go to meet your problem in complete safety and offer you the possibility of improving the situation and releasing the blockages that the choices you have made have created in your body. You will reconnect with your essence.

You will discover that your thoughts and beliefs shape your perception of the world and you will have the opportunity to change things on this journey.

You will be surprised by the simplicity and effectiveness of this journey and you will be able to reuse this method at home, in any situation whenever you wish.

The value of the support is 70€

Image by Drew Dizzy Graham
Mark W.png


Cecilia Kalapa'au

00 33 609 316 485

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"A'ohe pau ka 'ike i ka halau ho'okahi"
Tout le savoir n'est pas enseigné dans une seule école
Proverbe hawaïen

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